By Linda Witte Henke Our calendars may still say "summer," but musicians and worship planners are likely already formulating plans for a new liturgical year. How will the new liturgical cycle unfold in your congregation? While we may receive with grateful hearts the liturgical form that has been passed down to us over the centuries, sometimes our appreciation of the movements, words, actions, and meaning of the liturgy can become dulled by rushed preparation, mindless repetition, lagging creativity, dwindling enthusiasm, and persistent exhaustion. Sometimes it helps to pause, reflect on the liturgical order, and allow for the possibility of falling in love all over again! LITURGY We begin by reminding ourselves that the liturgy (from the Greek word leitourgia, which means "the work of the people") is the defining activity of God's people, the Church. While the particularities of each community's gathering may differ, these gatherings nonetheless reflect threads of common connections:
In the Holy Communion liturgy, the principal service of Christian worship, the Holy Spirit gathers people around the means of grace—the Word of God and the sacraments. The basic pattern of this service—gathering, word, meal, sending—is a structure that allows for freedom and flexibility in how we worship while at the same time focusing on what the church holds in common across its diversity: the whole people of God are joined by the same gifts of grace, for the sake of the same mission of the gospel, and drawn into the very life of the Triune God. GATHERING The Gathering is the first movement of the liturgy:
The Gathering begins with a GREETING. The precise words may vary, but the Greeting announces that we gather together in the strong name of the Holy Trinity--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. A GATHERING RITE usually marks the Gathering:
Whether we gather for Confession and Forgiveness or in Thanksgiving for Baptism, we celebrate God's loving kindness and gracious mercy – for us, in this time, and in this place. WORD The second movement of the liturgy is the Word. When Christians gather to worship, we read from the word of God entrusted to us in the holy scriptures.
The SERMON seeks to break open God's Word in ways that enable the assembly to understand it more fully and receive encouragement for faith, life, and ministry from it. The Sermon is usually followed (or sometimes preceded) by the HYMN OF THE DAY. This hymn selection is specifically intended to anchor the Word in the hearts of the assembly and to prompt a response of vocal proclamation in one voice. The assembly's profession of faith in the words of the CREED usually follows the Hymn of the Day. A creed is a statement of the faith of the whole church. The ecumenical creeds used in worship confess the church's faithfulness throughout the ages and around the world. The assembly's unity in the faith also finds expression in the PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION. While the Prayers may follow a prescribed pattern, they are intended to be prepared locally and to reflect the wideness of God's mercy, including:
When the Prayers have concluded, the worship leader exchanges a greeting of PEACE with the assembly, typically something like, "The peace of Christ be with you always." When the worship leader declares these words, the very peace with which Jesus greeted his disciples following the resurrection is conveyed to the assembly–the peace that casts out fear and assures us that our reconciliation with God has been secured. When the assembly, in turn, declares "Peace be with you" to one another, we are committing ourselves to live in the unity of Christ's peace with all people. MEAL The third movement of the liturgy, the Meal, begins with the OFFERING:
In offering the bread and wine of the HOLY COMMUNION to the assembly, the communion minister speaks these or similarly powerful words: The body of Christ, given for you, and The blood of Christ, shed for you. We may respond joyfully, saying: "Amen!" or "Thanks be to God!" When all have communed, the Presiding Minister sometimes offers a POST-COMMUNION PRAYER asking God to empower us to become what we have received–the body and blood of Christ, broken and poured out for the sake of the world. SENDING
The fourth movement of the Liturgy is the Sending, which includes the Presiding Minister's BLESSING of the assembly and a SENDING HYMN intended to inspire, encourage, and propel the assembly out into the world. The liturgy usually concludes with the lay Assisting Minister announcing the DISMISSAL, an imperative word directing the assembly to leave worship bearing the presence of Christ and prepared to engage in God's ministry in the world. It might sound like this: "Go in peace to love God, serve your neighbor, and care for the creation," to which the assembly enthusiastically responds: "Thanks be to God! Alleluia!" What in this review of the liturgical order sparks renewed appreciation - fresh insight - creative inspiration? In our next issue, we'll explore ideas for enriching and deepening worship in Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending. ■ Linda Witte Henke creates art that explores spiritual themes, social issues, and personal experiences. Her commissioned work resides in more than 80 corporate and private collections. Henke is a former ELCA parish pastor, a published author, and a frequent presenter at conferences and symposia on worship, spirituality, and the arts. She hosts the Center for Church Music's Visual Proclamation of the Word series of video interviews with liturgical artists. Learn more about Henke's ministry at | Engage, Encourage and Be Intentional The Church's Music as Counter-Cultural Worship Music Beyond the Traditional/Contemporary Divide The Second Winner of the UCCMA Anthem Commission Why do We Celebrate Christ the King Sunday? Observing the Children's Sabbath - 50th Anniversary The Meaning of Dance Then and Now Tech Talk: A Primer on Microphones A Few of Our Favorite … Organ Collections MUSIC DOWNLOAD Come, O Come, Our Voices Raise Composed by Peter Niedmann CROSSES The Cross of St. Peter is "a cross with the crossbeam placed near the foot, that is associated with Saint Peter because of the tradition that he was crucified head down." — Wikipedia LOOKING BACK – 30 YRS. The first 22 years of Worship, Music & Ministry in print. |