APRIL 2024
Dear Kind and Gentle People,
A giant “Oh My Soul!” to everyone! Christ is Risen! Alleluia! “Oh My Soul!” He is risen indeed! What is loved is resurrected.
One week ago, Palm Sunday worship was cancelled due to the 21 inches of snow and ice that the Almighty sent us. Several parishioners’ doors were iced shut and Petah used the family pickaxe to bless the frozen tundra! Alas and alack Petah did not get to sneakily tickle anyone with a palm frond. Boo Hoo!
The next day a giant evergreen tree fell across my driveway. Lucky for me my trusty and rusty ancient truck did not get crushed. Unbeknownst to me, neighbors sprang into action texting each other, and I arrived home to a tractor and chainsaw brigade. Surprise! I didn’t even know I had a crisis! You can’t make this stuff up!
I want to share with you a wonderful Tanzanian Easter song that we used this year for our Easter celebration. The congregants of the Newfield Community Church played a variety of percussion instruments while singing and created an outstanding Jesus Celebration. In this video, it is conducted by the amazing Tom Trenney at First-Plymouth Church, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Tanzanian Easter Song
Easter means that no power on earth can destroy the reality that is Christ. God’s love triumphs over every barrier! Jesus will remove the obstacles from your path if you will stop trying to remove them by your own might. It’s like having the entire neighborhood bring on the tractors and chainsaws to remove a huge tree from your driveway even when you were not aware it had fallen.
The Holy One will give you the grace and strength to continue the journey. The path is open to each of us. There is nothing to fear. You are not alone and the light of the risen Christ is with you. Seize each day as an opportunity to proclaim this fabulous news. The good news is that Christ is a light that overcomes all the shadow that life can entail. The path is open to each of us.
Truly, what is loved is resurrected.
As always,
Gobs of Blessings and Heaps of Happiness!
Rev. Dr. Peter Stickney
Photo Newfield Community Church—Easter 2024—Peter Stickney
Photo of the Dam at “The Mill” Easter 2024 — Cynthia Acorace
UCC Musicians Association
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