Image by Susan Reed EDITOR'S NOTE
Dear Worship Travelers, Our final celebratory 30th Anniversary journal includes many articles and resources to challenge you to serve the greater mission of enlivening music and worship in your churches. It will be available to all UCC churches across this land as an anniversary gift. Please let others inside and outside the UCCMA membership know about this gift. We strive to get these issues to you in plenty of time to be able to read, reflect, and implement some of the ideas we present here. In our Winter/Spring issue, we welcome a message from our newly installed General Minister, Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson. We also revisit the very first issue of the journal to see from where we have come. The articles and repertoire lists are still beneficial. Please check it out. Amanda Udis-Kessler and Linda Witte Henke share with us the second of their series of articles. The 350th birthday of Issac Watts is celebrated by Robin Knowles Wallace, as is our beautiful connection with our Canadian siblings in their new hymn outreach. We highlight the event known as Transfiguration Sunday and give some ideas for that day’s worship. Creativity is something we are blessed with in the UCC denomination. We have a piece given for our use by UCC church musician Andrey Stolyarov, a hymn written by Gloria Fanchiang, and the background of a new and exciting theatrical musical by Cliff Aerie. Jim Boratko’s Tech Talk delivers information on sound systems, and we hear about the state of Christianity in Nigeria from one of our composition winners, Innocent Okechukwu. As we continue celebrating our 30th Anniversary, please know that what you do for your church communities is invaluable and irreplaceable. We cannot overstate the importance of music in the worship setting and how it brings congregants closer to God. Also, the experience of participating in a musical group increases the joy and well-being of everyone involved. The UCCMA wants to ensure you are not alone in providing that experience for your congregations and musicians. Eric Dundore, Editor | A Message from The Rev. Karen Georgia A. Thompson Our First “Worship, Music & Ministry” Issue Singing Welcome to Outsiders within the Congregation Happy Upcoming 350th Birthday, Isaac Watts! Christians in Nigeria: A Follow-up Cliff’s Notes: A Jazz Opera Comes Alive TECH TALK: A Primer on Mixers and Amplifiers MUSIC DOWNLOAD CROSSES "Upright cross with outwardly widening ends. It is often seen in relics from the late antique and early medieval Byzantine Empire (until c. 800) and was adopted by other Christian cultures of the time, such as the Franks and Goths." — Wikipedia LOOKING BACK – 30 YRS. The first 22 years of Worship, Music & Ministry in print. |