MAY 2024
Dear Kind and Gentle People,
Here at “The Mill” the sheep are bleating for some breakfast from their new-fangled solar electric fenced area. Calf number 4 was born, a huge heifer calf that needed a bit of help emerging into the world. The hens have secretly hatched three chicks from a hidden clutch and the ducklings have a second set of feathers. Petah has managed to clear lots of the debris from a ghastly April 4 storm of two feet of heavy wet snow and 60 mph winds that climaxed with a tree on “The Mill” blocking the door. Also, there was the 4 am microwave fire (it was stinky) caused by electric pole fire, power surges and the slow death of several appliances, boo hiss! Petah is especially grateful for the light weight chainsaw which is much lighter than the ones of the “energy crisis” of the 1970’s when lots of us went back to burning wood. Please enjoy the photo of “Petah the Giant Tree Elf” as a witness to being a modern-day vine dresser, cutting back what is dead or will no longer serve a positive purpose.
Photo by Tate Dame
The Great Mystery works in us to prune what is not bearing the fruit of love to promote what will bear the fruit of love. The Holy One tends each branch within you, the part in each of us that is unloving, ungiving, whatever is attached to that which is dead. The death of what is unkind in us is the pruning by which the resurrection of love may come forth.
There is a new song called “PUSH” or “Pray Until Something Happens,” by Edmund Stubbs, a trustee of the Newfield Community Church. This song, in a simple country style, is an encouragement to all journeying with the Creator. Are You saying yes to God’s pruning of the pithy and plaguey parts of yourself? Please click on this live and humble gathering recorded on a cell phone with no highfalutin edits. Do skip ahead to minute 20:25 and enjoy. [The video is on Facebook, you may need to log in to Facebook to view it. – Editor]
Are you showing up in LOVE and not placing impediments on yourself and others? Are you a vinedresser tending to all who are in your garden of life with NO exceptions? Are you receiving the forgiveness that is being offered? Simply get out of the way and embrace the motto PUSH—pray until something happens—it is tried and true! Let God do the pruning! I pray that you will!
As Always,
Gobs of Blessings and Heaps of Happiness,
UCC Musicians Association
P.O. Box 370631
West Hartford, CT 06137
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