Dear Kind and Gentle People,
Oh My Soul! Here at “The Mill” I have finally finished the quince jelly, the “Rolls Royce of Jelly," with a total of 48 jars of that yummy liquid gold concoction. A dollop on just about anything is the perfect remedy for what ails you!
In Maine, the season of Advent is upon us with frightfully frigid temperatures. Today while sipping my morning medicine, called coffee, I ventured out to behold my lovely water pump encased in ice. Isn’t it wonderful how our creator can recreate anything at all and give it to us as added eye candy! I am so blessed!
On Sunday, the Newfield Community Church will observe the beginning of Advent with the fabulous hymn by Geonyong Lee, “Come Now, O Prince of Peace.” Naturally I am adding a lulling improvisation with my gong to underscore the haunting melody, and finger cymbals to mark each stanza and create a shimmer of expectation. Here is an arrangement by Jeremy Burbank. My soul finds it quite mesmerizing. Perhaps you will find it as uplifting as this mere mortal did. I hope so!
Traditionally during Advent we are admonished to stay alert, watch and respond to the invitation to be found and be loved by God. Petah’s out-of-the-box thought would be, “A New Human who is God Incarnate is coming. Stay alert.” This is an urgent call filled with hope! The coming of the Christ of the past, present and future is unfolding. Our Mysterious God, who came among us as a tiny child, is in our hearts and will be with us always.
Let us be mindful in our actions and observations as we wait for justice, peace and the healing of all nations and peoples. Let us strive to keep awake and walk in unction with the Universe. Finally, might we all pray the sacred mantra “Come Now, O Prince of Peace.”
May you all “Keep Awake” and experience a Holy Advent as the Christ child guides you. Finally, may the divine mystery of the Christmas Incarnation fill your entire being with hope, peace, love and joy.
As Always,
Gobs of Blessings and Heaps of Happiness!
Rev. Dr. Peter Stickney
UCC Musicians Association
P.O. Box 370631
West Hartford, CT 06137
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