Inspiring, educating and nurturing those who minister through music and the arts

Bust Out All Over

June 01, 2022 8:00 AM | Admin UCCMA (Administrator)

June 2022

Dear Kind and Gentle People,

Here in the Grand State of Maine, “June is Bustin’ Out All Over.” Outside of The Mill, a plethora of generous blooms -- purple, yellow, white, lavender and pink -- abound. What a glorious first day of the month! Gratitude is overflowing from the depths of my being.

The day of Pentecost arrives on June 5th and the scriptures give a description of what appears to be a drunken mob and religious hysteria. However, several thousand devout Jews became followers of Jesus, the Christ. Frank Loque comments that, “The Jesus Movement was transformed not by will, but by an act of the Holy Spirit.” Further, “that the Pentecost experience was not due to alcohol and is not so easily reduced to nothing more than hysteria.” Petah comments that it was simply an over-the-top birthday bash and the result was “The Church was Bustin’ Out All Over!”

Two years ago, the tiny Newfield Church had a concert series planned. It is with great joy that on the Eve of Pentecost we are going to finally bust out the sound and vibrations for a monthly community concert. In addition, we have embraced a monthly sound healing series which is titled, “Music of the Spheres.” Last month, lovely crystal bowls bathed us in sound, and we will continue to “Bust Out All Over.” Our June endeavor will be a drum circle.

We who follow Jesus are called to share the love of God with no limitations. That means that we are to align our life energy, attitude, words and actions to reflect the uniting power of the Holy Spirit and the light of our Creator with everyone we meet. Pentecost shows us that what unites us is much more important than what divides us. So, be empowered to “Bust Out All Over” with the power and presence of God, guided by the Holy Spirit.

MAY IT BE!!!!! (Bust, Bust, Bust)

Gobs of blessings and heaps of happiness,


Rev. Dr. Peter Stickney, Chaplain

UCC Musicians Association

P.O. Box 370631

West Hartford, CT 06137

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