Inspiring, educating and nurturing those who minister through music and the arts

Saturday Sharing: We Shall Not Be Moved

  • March 22, 2025
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Zoom



We Shall Not Be Moved

Songs of Protest, Lament and Hope

In this turbulent time, one thing we as church musicians can do is use music that gives congregants the chance to channel their feelings into community singing. We know the power of music to move and soothe us. What powerful songs have people used in the past? What songs are you leaning into today?

Hymn writers Adam Tice, Ana Hernández, and Hannah Brown will join Ruth Striegel for a Saturday Sharing about the work they do to bring light to our hurting world. Come and be a part of the conversation!

Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 12 noon ET / 9 am PT on Zoom.
This event is free and open to all. Register to receive the Zoom link.

Saturday Sharing is an occasional free, one-hour conversation on topics of interest to church musicians. Follow our home page for future conversations.


In 2002, Adam M. L. Tice graduated from Goshen College, a Mennonite liberal arts school in Indiana, with a degree in music with a minor in Bible and religion. He entered the Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary in the fall of 2003, which led to the writing of his first hymn text. In 2004, Adam was named a Lovelace Scholar by the Hymn Society and served as a member of the Society's executive committee from 2007 to 2010. He was Associate Pastor of Hyattsville (Maryland) Mennonite Church from 2007 to 2012 and was text editor for the 2020 Mennonite hymnal, Voices Together. In early 2020 he joined GIA as Editor for Congregational Song. He lives with his family in Goshen, Indiana.


Ana is a composer/arranger, workshop facilitator, theomusicologist, songleader, and author. She travels around collaborating with groups small and large to deepen community and create beautiful liturgies in many different styles. She facilitates meaningful conversations using the Art of Hosting modalities. Ana’s work aims to bring each of us to a sustainable place in terms of showing up, being present, and listening generatively, so we can remember how beloved we all are.


Hannah C. Brown has been the pastor of West Concord Union Church (UCC) in Concord, Massachusetts since 2009. Her first hymn text was published by GIA in 2022 and a collection of her work entitled Elemental Joy will be released in 2025. Her texts have been included in Ben Brody’s collection, At the Weaving of Creation, Mark Miller’s album, Revolution of the Heart, and the ecumenical collection Resounding Voices. She is grateful to The Hymn Society for helping her learn the craft of hymn writing.

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