Inspiring, educating and nurturing those who minister through music and the arts

Royalties for Spirituals: Where Are We Now?

  • February 17, 2024
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • ZOOM


Registration is closed

Join Host Jim Boratko as he talks to two panel members from the original Royalties for Spirituals webinar presented by UCCMA in February, 2022 and two new guests. They will discuss where this nationwide initiative to pay royalties for spirituals is now two years later and what one church did in response to the webinar.


  • Susan DeSelms, Minister of Music at the United Parish at Brookline, MA, who was featured in the original NPR broadcast of the concept
  • Adam Waite, Minister of Music at the Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church, Denver, Colorado, who was also in the original NPR broadcast
  • Kimberly Kersey, Executive Director of the Artists Collective, Hartford, CT
  • Rev. Fredd Ward, Senior Pastor, First Church of West Hartford, CT
  • Jim Boratko, Director of Worship Arts, First Church of West Hartford, CT, who served as moderator of the Royalties for Spirituals webinar in 2022. Jim is a board member of UCCMA.

Wish to brush up on the concept? Review our resource page which includes the original webinar.

As we did two years ago, we are offering you an opportunity to help "pay" for this Zoom session by giving a free-will offering when you register. All donations collected will benefit the Artists Collective of Hartford, CT. This is a multi-arts performance and education institution emphasizing the culture and arts of the African Diaspora. It is particularly known for its jazz program established by the renowned saxophonist Jackie McLean.

This free event is limited to the first 90 registrants. Once the limit is reached, you will be placed on the waitlist. If you can't attend, look for the video of this webinar on our YouTube channel.

This session is part of our once-a-month Saturday Sharing series of free, one-hour conversations on topics of interest to church musicians and others. Held on ZOOM. All are welcome! 12 PM ET / 9 AM PT.

UCC Musicians Association

P.O. Box 370631

West Hartford, CT 06137

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