Inspiring, educating and nurturing those who minister through music and the arts


  • March 09, 2016
  • 3:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Canton, Ohio
The Faith Formation Team of the United Church of Christ and Trinity United Church of Christ, Canton, Ohio are inviting people to come and observe Trinity Church's Kidzbeat program in hopes that they might be inspired to start a similar program in their own ministry settings.  Kidzbeat is an afterschool music and arts program.  It was started several years ago by their retiring music minister, Dave Carnell.

Registration Fee is $25.

Trinity United Church of Christ
3909 Blackburn Road NW
Canton, Ohio 44718 USA

3:30 PM - Event Registration

4:00 PM - Experience "Kidzbeat"
6:00 PM - Dinner with Kidzbeat leaders
6:30 PM - Kidzbeat Experience Reflection and Discussion

For additional information go to

UCC Musicians Association

P.O. Box 370631

West Hartford, CT 06137

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