Oh, My Soul! As we approach Worldwide Communion Sunday and the sixth and last week in “Creation Time” in the season of Pentecost, the Universe has been busy sharing her breathtaking gifts. Yup, “Cocoa,” a hybrid pipe organ with 12 ranks and 900 pipes has arrived at “The Mill” with her three manuals and electronic gadgets. Cocoa is named after my mother Connie who played the organ for 63 consecutive years, (except during WWII) in our village church. I have included a humble photo of her radiating positive energy and great joy along with her namesake instrument being prepared for final installation. Thanks be to our awesome Creator.
Sardine, the newest duck has just started laying her eggs. Gee, I forgot how hard a duck egg shell is, but goose egg is even harder. A third cutting of hay has been completed and the bull has been “borrowed” by the neighbors. Our eyes have the joy of feasting on the brilliant colors of changing leaves marking the season and 53 windows await a fresh scrub-a-dub. So far, 15 done with the wafting ammonia doing a good job on the glass and my head! Gratitude is offered for all these breathtaking gifts from the comfort of my prayer chair.
On this Worldwide Communion Sunday let us remember that Jesus came to Gaia as a little baby, grew into adulthood and suffered the fate of political prisoners. His love for all people, including those of unbelief or belief, gender, status or profession is truly radical inclusiveness at the highest level. The truth is that his breathtaking gift of selfless love and his blatant banishing of exclusion at every level, even unto his death, shows us how to love and gives us the gift of life!
As we prepare to receive the elements in unity with our siblings all over the world, we reaffirm that we are part of each other and the Great Mystery. The Great Wheel turns and continues to usher the fullness of Autumn. Spirit is wooing us to embrace something sacred in the profound oneness of the entire human family. As you prepare to celebrate Worldwide Communion Sunday with Christians all over the globe, do find a smidgen of time to give thanks for the gift of life, the gift of Divine Love, and to be mindful of all the breathtaking gifts that are freely given to us by the Universe.
As Always,
Gobs of Blessings and Heaps of Happiness.
UCC Musicians Association
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West Hartford, CT 06137
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